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Choosing a Credit Card

Like dandelions in a spring lawn, credit card offers pop up everywhere–stuffing your mailbox, flashing on the Internet, even falling from the magazines in your doctor’s waiting room. And they all sound so attractive. “0% APR until next year!” “No fee if you transfer a balance now!” “Low fixed rate!” You’re thinking of applying for a card, but how do you decide which offer is best for you? Learn the lingo In order to evaluate credit card offers, you’ll need…
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Summer Job Savings

Having a summer job is a big deal for kids. Not only does it teach them work ethic and responsibility but it also gives kids a chance to make their own money and not rely so heavily on mom and dad for money. It is important to let your children spend some of their earnings. We like to recommend that they divide into three piles. One for spending, one for saving and one for sharing (giving to a charity of…
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Keys to a Happy Ratirement

No matter if you currently have a vision for what you want your retirement to look like or if you are still trying to envision it, there are some keys to helping you make sure your retirement is a happy one. Allow for a period of transition If you are one of those people who know exactly what you want to do when you retire and have already been dreaming it up for years, then you have already completed your…
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What Money Can't Buy

Money. It is what makes our world go round. With money, you have the power to purchase the things you need and want, do the things you have always wanted and travel places you have always wanted to visit. However, there are many things in life that are MORE important that money can’t buy, or even play a part in. A healthy sense of self-worth. Often times we may make a purchase, which leads to something else that makes us…
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Contemplating Bankruptcy

Contemplating Bankruptcy Filing bankruptcy can be complex and difficult, and it can have lasting effects. You should consider what’s involved carefully before deciding if it’s the right answer for you. Don’t expect bankruptcy to offer you an easy solution to your overspending habits or financial mismanagement. It’s intended to relieve you of burdensome debts incurred due to unfortunate circumstances such as medical problems or unemployment. To file or not to file How do you know if you should go bankrupt?…
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I'm Getting Married. How Could Marriage Potentially Affect My Finances?

Marriage affects your finances in many ways, including your ability to build wealth, plan for retirement, plan your estate, and capitalize on tax and insurance-related benefits. There are, however, two important caveats. First, same-sex marriages are recognized for federal income and estate tax reporting purposes. However, each state determines its own rules for state taxes, inheritance rights, and probate, so the legal standing of same-sex couples in financial planning issues may still vary from state to state. Second, a prenuptial…
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Fear of Money

You are in control of your own attitude and happiness. We personally cannot make you happy but we can help you to face your fear of money. If you have no fear of money you will have less stress which means you should be happier. Happiness comes from within. Over the years, we have helped numerous people find happiness with their money and with their life. Here are a few key things we have found that help people find happiness…
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Are you financially ready to have children?

There comes a time in many people’s lives where you begin to wonder if or when you will have children. Regardless of your status – whether you are married or single – it can be a costly decision if you add children to your life.  According to a study done in 2014 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a middle-income family will spend on average $245,340 to raise one child from birth to age 18. I recommend that you take…
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What is your risk comfort zone?

In the world of investing, risk is nearly unavoidable. Some investments are riskier than others, but while they may be more risky, they may also have the potential for higher reward. Likewise, some investors are willing to take on more risk than others to achieve their financial goals. How comfortable are you with risk? The following quiz may help you determine your risk tolerance. How many years until you reach retirement or other financial goals? Less than five years. 5…
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