Posted in Finances

Credit Traps for the Unwary

It’s hard to imagine functioning in today’s society without access to credit. However, you need to be careful not to fall victim to some of the pitfalls associated with it. Revolving credit can make it hard for you to pay off debt Credit cards allow you to spend money you don’t currently have, and to repay what you’ve spent over time instead of all at once. When you use a card, the balance you owe increases, and your remaining available…
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Valentine’s Day Done the Charitable Way

When you think of Valentine’s Day, what comes to mind? Is it cozying up with your loved one on a park bench, plunging face-first into boxes of assorted chocolates, or classrooms of children exchanging much-sought-after cards and candy? Although the traditional ways we celebrate love on Valentine’s Day are longstanding – with Valentine’s cards outdating Hallmark itself – many of them don’t have a lasting effect on our lives. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, why not…
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Start Your New Year with a Financial Review

As you plan for the year ahead, is an investment checkup leading your list of resolutions? Taking time for a detailed financial review — including retirement planning, college savings, and your tax situation — may help you progress toward your long-term goals. Consider the following items as part of your checkup: Capitalize on tax reductions. If you plan to adjust your investment allocations, make sure you understand the tax consequences of your actions. Taxes on both long-term capital gains —…
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Surviving the Holiday Spending Season…Debt Free

As the traditional giving season approaches, there is one important item to add to your to do list: Create a holiday budget. Before the gift shopping and wrapping begins, take control of your wallet through financial preparation. Remember, you can avoid the credit card crunch and the dangerous pitfall of borrowing against your company’s retirement savings plan or IRAs. Here’s how to establish a holiday wish list and spending budget: Start by determining the total amount of money that you…
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