You may have purchased life insurance years ago and never gave it a second thought. Or perhaps you don’t have life insurance at all and now you need it. When your life circumstances change, you have a fresh opportunity to make sure the people you love are protected. Marriage When you were single, life insurance might have seemed like an unnecessary expense, but now someone else is depending on your income. If something happens to you, your spouse will likely…
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Insurance can be boring and overwhelming. You may wonder do you have too much insurance, not enough or the wrong kind? Aaron Harris from the Raymond James Insurance Department will join us for this enlightening webinar and discuss utilizing insurance in financial planning for protection, accumulation and retirement. He will touch on topics such as disability insurance, life insurance and Long Term Care Insurance and who should consider it. If you are wanting to protect your future, you do not…
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Insurance can be boring and overwhelming. You may wonder do you have too much insurance, not enough or the wrong kind? Aaron Harris from the Raymond James Insurance Department will join us for this enlightening webinar and discuss utilizing insurance in financial planning for protection, accumulation and retirement. He will touch on topics such as disability insurance, life insurance and Long Term Care Insurance and who should consider it. If you are wanting to protect your future, you do not…
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Insurance can be boring and overwhelming. You may wonder do you have too much insurance, not enough or the wrong kind? Aaron Harris from the Raymond James Insurance Department will join us for this enlightening webinar and discuss utilizing insurance in financial planning for protection, accumulation and retirement. He will touch on topics such as disability insurance, life insurance and Long Term Care Insurance and who should consider it. If you are wanting to protect your future, you do not…
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Your life insurance needs change as your life changes. When you are young, you may not have a need for life insurance. However, as you take on more responsibility and your family grows, your life insurance needs increase. Your needs may then decrease after your children are grown. You should periodically review your needs to ensure that your life insurance coverage adequately reflects your life situation. Estimating your life insurance need There are a couple of simple methods that you…
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The prospect of being unable to work due to an illness or injury may seem remote to many of us, particularly during our younger working years. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the chances of getting sick and not being able to work for an extended period, making disability income insurance (DI) more important than ever, regardless of your age. Health insurance may pay for some of the medical expenses related to your illness, but it won’t cover your lost…
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Buying insurance is about sharing or shifting risk, but you may think you’re covered for specific losses when, in fact, you’re not. Here are some common coverage gaps to consider when reviewing your own insurance coverage. Life insurance In general, you want to have enough life insurance coverage (when coupled with savings and income) to allow your family to continue living the lifestyle to which they’re accustomed. But changing circumstances may leave a gap in your life insurance coverage. For…
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The financial challenges millennials face can be overwhelming. Many young adults have to figure out how to pay off college loans, save to buy a home or start a family, and sock away money for retirement. Given these hurdles, it’s no wonder that life insurance as a financial asset gets little to no attention. But it should. There are many reasons to have life insurance at a relatively young age, but here are some common ones. Leaving your debts for…
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Soon you’ll be on your way, taking that trip you’ve looked forward to for ages–but suppose something happens. If you get sick, lose your suitcase, or have to cut your trip short, will any of your existing insurance policies cover your expenses or reimburse you for your losses? If not, you might want to purchase travel insurance, which is available from insurance companies, travel agents, tour operators, and cruise lines. If you can’t make it after all or have to…
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Each day, you face a variety of risks–risks to your life, your health, and your property. Although you can’t eliminate many of these risks, you can take steps to guard against resulting financial losses. That’s where insurance comes in. If your coverage is sufficient, insurance can provide financial security to you and your loved ones. Many types of insurance coverage are available–here’s a brief overview of what’s out there. Life insurance Life insurance provides funds for your surviving loved ones…
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